Osun Festival

Tomorrow the 18th of August happens to begin the 2 weeks world renowned festival celebrated in Nigeria for more than 600 centuries called the Osun Festival. Many Osun worshippers and tourists from around the world come to witness the festival in Oshogbo Osun state Nigeria. Being present there gives aesthetic pleasure.

History has it that the first monarch of Oshogbo Oba Gbadewolu Laroye had a treaty with the goddess of fertility called Osun (Oshun). She reside in fresh waters unlike yemaya who stays in salty waters. Some refer to her as goddess of fresh waters. She was to proctect his people, bring fertility and prosperity to the land and she would be celebrated and given sacrifices yearly. Rumor has it that she do appear as a mermaid to the people on the day of the sacrifice. She stopped showing up after an attempt was made to capture her by tourist but she shakes the waters to indicate their sacrifices was accepted. Some say she appear as a mermaid to her priests and the king on special occasion. Apologies to your individual faith the people of Oshogbo still keeps the record of not being invaded by war since their existences.

Another historic event about the festival is the Osun grove even recognized by UNESCO. The grove is one of the surviving forest located close to the bank of Osun river. It is regarded as the abode of Osun goddess of fertility. In the 1950 the grove was desecrated. The priest abandon the place and it became a sitout for hunters and fishermen some even started falling down trees from the grove. Just as Gideon from the Holy Book said, "if baal be baal let him fight for himself..." Funny enough she fought for herself and sent an Austrian woman Sussanne Wenger to stop the desecration of the groove. She was the longest priest of Osun. She died in 2009 in Oshogbo making the festival gain more international recognition.

The festival is better attended than told. Thinking of where to hangout for two weeks, then your destination is Oshogbo Osun State Nigeria almost 225km from Lagos. So go have fun and share your experience with your comments.


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