Big Brother 9Ja Season 5 Last Party

Yesterday, Biggie organized the last Saturday night party of this season BB9ja show (season 5), it kinda took the form of America high school prom for some housemates. Old evicted housemates were invited to the party and everyone wanted to bond again. Women are really funny, but going out to see things outside the little confinement (bb house) would broaden ones sense of understand about women. Ozo was predicted to end up in the top 5, perhaps win the big brother show; but was evicted a week to the grand finale. I believe fans got tired of watching him fruitlessly chasing Nneji and constantly ignored. Why don't you take a cue from Laycon, he took a shine at Erica and she politely turned him down and went for some rich guy in the house. He still kept his pride as a man and look up to him leaving outside. Many of the ladies would be all over him because his appearance on the show would make him a celebrity. One should learn how to deal with rejection, there is a saying that goes, ...