Biggie can Erica be brought Back

Kiddwaya one of Nigerians billionaire rich kid who is featured in Big Brother Naija reality TV show had to beg to bring back a lady he was romantically involved with called Erica. Erica whose real name is Ngozi Nlewedim from Abia state was disqualified from the house for poor conduct; I guess it was spur by alcohol. She had to loss everything she had won already in the house, leaving her with nothing (puf).

Erica is an actress and a media personality. She completed her acting classes in Met film school Uk, where she studied screen acting. She presently have a huge online presence that she occupies the first five search on Google search engine as though she is the only lady with a actual or stage name going by Erica in the world. She was born in Lagos like many persons staying in Lagos, they tend to claim Lagos because they don't travel to there home town. She is from Abia state but raised in Lagos in a Christian family as a only child.

Kiddwaya and Erica started their love affair to me, as a joke (lie). I'm not a mind reader, I don't know if they had affection for one another, but we saw one of the housemates Laycoon ask her out first, after an eviction  Sunday. We often see crazy moment of housemates telling those they crush on, the way they feel every eviction Sunday; you need to see the funny Ozos love confessions to Nengi. I'll slip you a link at the end of this post. So it was an eviction night, Laycoon had to meet her (Erica) and told her how he feels about her.
 It was Dbang that said don't get it twisted love is a beautiful thing, but I have found that love is wicked. Always putting your shinny apple very high up the tree that you just can't reach it. I believe apart from disrespecting the head of house room and rules, her fight with Laycoon also lead to her third and final strike. She called Laycoon a moping stick with the dreadlocks on his head. Sorry for digressing, back to the shinny apple, Erica was Laycoon's shinny apple, but he respected himself and decided not to let his emotions known. Just like kids going to a tree to fetch or plug mangoes. One who saw a mango would naturally say, look at this mango help me plug it, it mine, but the one who go through the stress of plugging it, always have the mango. You hear statement like, "Dem write your name there?".
That was how kid caught Erica; he plugged her first. As someone who is very good with manoeuvring his way round the tree, he wanted more mangoes, and started flirting around the house. I guess that was what brought the emotional imbalance and led the young Erica acting the way she did that got her the final strike for disqualification (fallacy of false cause). But Kid gave Erica some strikes that was noted by biggie, contributing to her disqualification, so in my defense, Kid was not completely innocent.
I believe kid grew fond of her and really wanted her back, he talked about her strong personality and her passion for acting. Was really devastated she loss all the gift she won from the house, but little did he know that real fans of Erica are already raising funds and gift Items for her. One scene on a TV program can turn you to a celebrity, you better make a move.
I would not forget my promise, Ozo begging for Nengi to love him. Guy, you don't force a donkey to drink water.


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